Build your own financial product and become part of this new universe:
take a leap into the future of the capital market.
Build your own financial product and become part of this new universe:
take a leap into the future of the capital market.
If you are a fintech company or credit operator.
Better choices during structuring
Access to
different pockets
More efficient cost of capital
Which allows for cost reduction and more agility
While there is a surplus of liquidity in global capital markets, most SMEs in Latin America still struggle to access capital.
Setting up a credit fund is slow and bureaucratic.
The offer to raise capital is limited.
AmFi Pool is our first product:
A platform with a structure similar to that of traditional investment funds.
The difference:
At AmFi, you set up and operate your credit products and use tokenized financial assets as collateral.
Portfolio management
Billing and settlement management
Collateral management
All in one place, integrated and automated!
Which results in more liquidity for investors.
Access to liquidity makes it easier for originators to structure, distribute, and operate their financial products on a large scale.
→ DigCap is a legal credit intermediation platform that connects plaintiffs in lawsuits to investors interested in acquiring legal credits.
More than R$8 million in legal mediations2
More than 460 successful cases3
98% success rateWe are able to work with legal credits faster and at a much lower cost compared to solutions other than AmFi."
→ UP Vendas is a sub-accreditor that helps maximize and anticipate sales from retail resellers, benefiting the cash flow of these ventures.
Growth of 15% p.m. in the last 16 months2
More than 1,800 registered customers3
More than 32 thousand approved salesAmFi helped us access the capital markets, helping my company grow, while offering unique products to investors."
→ Resolvvi is a platform that assists Brazilian consumers experiencing flight issues or unjust negative credit records, helping them claim compensation securely online.
More than R$ 40 million recovered2
More than 92% success rate in claims3
More than 10 thousand consumers servedAmFi is a great opportunity for our investors to operationalize their investments in Resolvvi quickly and safely, in addition to being less bureaucratic and costly.”